
Michele Harman

Advanced Product Marketing

My approach to product marketing is grounded in customer centricity - everything I do is focused on ensuring that customers are satisfied and successful. As a trusted resource and ally to all go-to-market teams, I believe that my success is intrinsically tied to the success of my teammates. With every project, I carefully consider each step of the process, drawing from a combination of sources including market research, data insights, crowdsourced information, tribal knowledge, and more. I aim to package assets as succinctly, clearly, and polished as possible, in order to communicate a value proposition effectively. The following pages showcase some of my work from my time as a product marketer thus far.

Table of contents

  • Sales Pitch Decks
  • Messaging Guides
  • Ideal Customer Profiles
  • Product Evangelist
  • Enablement Assets
  • Evidence-Based Decisions with Data
  • Structuring the Chaos
  • Testimonials

Sales Pitch Decks

My goal when building sales decks is to provide a resource for sales reps to pull a prospect into a story that revolves around their world and their challenges.

First impressions are everything, so even when I don't have top-tier design resources, I use my own design chops to keep things polished.

Messaging Guides

Creating a comprehensive messaging guide that serves as a reference for all the assets required by the go-to-market team is an effective way to enable self-service and scale product marketing initiatives.

Ideal Customer Profiles

Defining the ideal customer profile is the cornerstone of effective messaging, sales, and targeting. By getting it right and clearly communicating it visually, I can ensure a cohesive go-to-market strategy that aligns the whole team.

Product Evangelist

Product marketers must also be product evangelists because we are uniquely positioned to drive excitement and adoption of the product, which can ultimately contribute to the product's success in the market.

Enablement Assets

As a product marketer, it's essential to equip the go-to-market teams with the right tools and resources to effectively sell the product, ensure customer satisfaction, and communicate with partners. We can help drive business growth and success by providing the necessary support.

Evidence-based decisions with data.

I use data gathered through research, studies, surveys, and analyses to synthesize real insights and answer critical market questions. This enables me to make informed decisions about product positioning, messaging, and go-to-market strategy that align with customer needs and preferences.

Competitive analysis mapping

Pricing Study

Sales Opportunity Analysis

Structuring the chaos.

I aim to simplify complex products or markets and distill them into clear frameworks. This approach helps ensure the entire team is aligned on a unified message for an effective go-to-market strategy. In addition, it helps me provide valuable insights to product teams that help drive roadmap planning, ensuring that our products evolve to meet customer needs and preferences.

Use Case Framework

Andrew Gray

GrayScale Consulting

"Your commerce use case slides are still hands down the best PMM work I have seen. I'm trying to get PMMs at my company to provide something similar."

Ashley Spiker

VP of Revenue

"I never really saw anyone do that as you did. I would love to use it as a guide."